Plan miasta Gavras

Gavras - Najnowsze wiadomości:

JULIE bGAVRAS/b, BLAME IT ON FIDEL - Filmmaker Magazine: The Director b.../b

My mother was producing a movie about gypsies around the world, and they had to send some film and some [equipment] for the movie camera, so they sent me [to take them] because I was on bvacation/b. They were shooting in Egypt, ...
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Cineasta franco-grego Costa-bGavras/b lança filme no Cine PE 2009 b.../b

SEMINÁRIO Tema: ?Cinema e Literatura ? As Experi?ncias e Perspectivas de Roteiros Adaptados em Produç?es Audiovisuais Vencedoras? Local: Recife Palace bHotel/b Horário: 9h30. Acesso: Entrada franca. MOSTRA ESPECIAL COSTA-bGAVRAS/b ...
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Wilmington on DVD: Smash! - Isthmus | The Daily Page

Costa-bGavras/b? top-grade political thriller considers the 1973 disappearance of irreverent young American Charlie Horman (John Shea) during the anti-Allende coup in Chile, and the determined attempts of his conservative dad (Jack Lemmon, at a dramatic peak) and b.../b horror movie that invites you to watch Liv Tyler and Scott Speedman as a comely young couple besieged by three sadistic oddballs wearing masks who torment them during a long night in an isolated bvacation/b home. b.../b
źródło: BlogSearch
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